Rondane - part 1

In September I went for a autumn vacation to Rondane, Norway. I signed up for Natur & Foto´s workshop at Dørålsæter, Rondane. Finally tonight I had some time to look trough my photos from this trip. I´ve decided to work my way trough this amazing trip step by step, and that is why I´ve chosen to post this in different parts.

These first photos are taken as we were approaching Rondane. My mom and I drove from Kristiansand to Dørålsæter, and including some breaks we used about 10 hours. I find this landscape really fascinating and majestic. It is something completely different from where I live in the south of Norway.

At summertime and until the beginning of September, you can drive in to Dørålsæter which is about 15 kilometers from the main road. We arrived here about 19.00 and the sun was about to set.

Dørålsæter is powered by a generator, and when we woke up about 05.00 the next morning there were no power. We had to find our equipment using flashlights and the toilets were also completely dark. We had to get out early to capture the great light in the morning, and also to get a parking spot nearby one of the water. This is a very popular spot for nature photographers. 

This morning I chose to start with my 70-300mm to capture certain sections of the landscape. 


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